What Sets Quicksilver Apart?(英文和訳)

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以前の”2022年Cosmos展望”和訳記事にも登場する注目機能”Liquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)”機能であるQcuicksilver実装ですね。


What Sets Quicksilver Apart?(Quicksilverの特徴)

The Quicksilver founders designed and engineered a series of features, mechanisms, and modules in order to create a Liquid Staking Zone specifically crafted for the Cosmos ecosystem. Through its design, the Quicksilver Protocol will provide liquid staking in a secure, decentralized way that upholds the ecosystem’s and community’s values.

Quicksilverの創設者は、CosmosのエコシステムのためのLiquid Staking Zone(リキッドステーキングゾーン)を特製すべく、一連の機能、メカニズム、モジュールを設計し、エンジニアリングしました。 

その設計により、Quicksilver Protocol (クイックシルバー・プロトコル)は、エコシステムとコミュニティの価値を維持し、安全で分散化された方法でLiquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)を提供します。

Features -特徴-

Quicksilver’s features were designed to keep users empowered and provide them with a smooth UX, all while maintaining chain security and decentralization.

Quicksilverの機能は、チェーンのセキュリティと分散化を維持しながら、ユーザーに権限を与え続け(訳者追記: ネイティブチェーンでのステーキング本来の権利を維持しつつ)、スムーズなUX(user experience=ユーザ体験)を提供するように設計されています。

Unrestricted Validator Choice -自由なバリデータ選択-

With decentralization as a core tenet, Quicksilver is the first Liquid Staking protocol designed with unrestricted validator choice, meaning users will be able to delegate to any validator of a native chain when liquid staking on Quicksilver.

This feature was implemented with the intention of avoiding the concentration of stake and voting power in the hands of a select few actors, and therefore avoiding any negative impact on decentralization and security on native chains.

分散化を中核とするQuicksilverは、バリデーターを制約なく選択できるように設計された初のリキッドステーキングプロトコルです。つまり、ユーザーはQuicksilverでLiquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)を行う際に、ネイティブチェーンのどのバリデーターにも委任することができます。


Scalability -拡張性-

Leveraging a combination of Interchain Accounts (ICA) and Interchain Queries (ICQ), Quicksilver will be scalable to any IBC-connected, ICA-enabled zone in the Cosmos.

The protocol was designed so that a governance proposal and vote from the community are the only things needed to onboard a new zone, putting that decision in the collective hand of the Quicksilver Community.



Governance by Proxy

Quicksilver is the first liquid staking protocol to design the Governance by Proxy feature, which will allow users to retain their voting rights when liquid staking their assets.

This means that Quicksilver will allow users to participate in governance while participating in DeFi. Currently, this is not even possible with native staking.

Governance by Proxy will be shipped soon after launch, in the first chain upgrade. One of the Protocol’s flagship features, Governance by Proxy will prevent the concentration of governance power within select few actors by maintaining the community’s voice.

The team believes that in order for the growing DeFi ecosystem to not dampen on-chain governance, it is important that users do not have to forfeit their governance rights while Liquid Staking.

Quicksilverは、Liquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)プロトコルとして初めてGovernance by Proxy機能を設計し、ユーザーは投票権を維持したまま資産をLiquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)できます。


Governance by Proxyは、ローンチ後初回のチェーンアップグレードでリリース予定です。
プロトコルの主要機能の1つであるGovernance by Proxyは、コミュニティの声を維持することで、一部のアクターへのガバナンスパワーの集中を防ぐことができます。

DeFiエコシステムの成長のためにオンチェーンガバナンスを犠牲にせず、ユーザーがLiquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)中にガバナンスの権利を放棄する必要がないことが重要である、とチームは考えています。

Participation Rewards

Participation Rewards are QCK token emissions that will reward, on an epochly basis, liquid stakers that choose to stake with smaller, performant validators that are active in governance on onboarded chains.

This way, the Quicksilver team hopes to encourage a more even spreading of assets across the validators of an onboarded chain.

When assets are more spread out across the validators of a chain, chains are less vulnerable to attacks and censorship.

The team also hopes to encourage delegating to smaller validators, supporting decentralization across the Cosmos.

参加報酬はQCKトークンで、オンボードチェーンのガバナンスに積極的な小規模でパフォーマンスの高いバリデータへのステーキングを選択するリキッドステーカー(≒私達のような参加者)に、一定期間ごと(訳者追記: 3日おき)に報酬が支払われます。




Frictionless UX

The Quicksilver protocol will offer users an frictionless UX and make the liquid staking process as simple as possible.

Thanks to Iqlusion’s Liquidity Staking Module, users will be able to forgo unbonding periods by transferring their staked delegations directly into the Protocol.

Rewards will be autocompounded on an epochly basis, eliminating another step in the user journey.

Quicksilverプロトコルは、ユーザーにスムーズなUX(user experience=ユーザ体験)を提供し、リキッドステーキングプロセスを可能な限りシンプルにする予定です。

Mechanisms and Modules

Quicksilver’s mechanisms and modules were built to keep assets safe, further anchor the protocol in the Cosmos, and expand the possibilities of DeFi within the ecosystem.



Assets will never leave their native chains when liquid staking on Quicksilver.
This means that assets will be sent directly from users’ wallets to Quicksilver deposit accounts on the native chain, to avoid concentrating assets on the protocol as an added security measure.

QuicksilverでLiquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)する場合、資産はネイティブチェーンから離れることはありません。

Staking Rewards fees

Staking Rewards Fees collected on the Protocol will be distributed to QCK stakers on an epochly basis. The fee amount will be governance-configured, meaning the Quicksilver community will decide the percentage of the fee, but the default value at Genesis is expected to be under 5%.

Initially, Staking Rewards fees collected will be in Atom, Juno, and Osmo, but eventually, there will be Staking Rewards fees collected from every onboarded chain. This means QCK stakers will earn the native assets of all onboarded chains by simply staking QCK.

With the QCK Community at the heart of this mechanism, the distribution of Staking Rewards Fees among QCK stakers will further anchor them in the Cosmos.


当初は、Atom、Juno、OsmoでStaking Rewardsの手数料が徴収されますが、最終的には、搭載されているすべてのチェーンからStaking Rewardsの手数料が徴収される予定です。

このメカニズムの中心はQCKコミュニティであり、QCKステイカーにStaking Rewards Feeが分配されることで、Cosmosエコシステムから離れられなくなります。(セキュリティがより強固になり、エコシステムが栄えるし、ユーザもハッピーになるという訳者の整理)

Airdrop Module

Over 50% of the Genesis supply will be going to airdrops.
At genesis, we will be onboarding the Cosmos Hub, Juno, and Osmosis — Eligible stakers of these chains will receive the first Quicksilver airdrop.

Afterwards, the stakers of chains onboarded after launch, as well as DeFi users, will receive airdrops upon the onboarding of said chains onto the protocol.

This means that stakers of chains that do not exist yet will receive a QCK airdrop in the future.

With decentralization in mind, the protocol will weigh the way users stake, and not just how much, in the airdrop formula. The goal of this airdrop model is to ensure the Quicksilver protocol is in the hands of its present and future community, and QCK tokens are spread as far and wide across the wider Cosmos ecosystem.

Genesis(ローンチ時)は、Cosmos Hub、Juno、Osmosisをオンボーディングする予定です。



Cross-Chain Smart Contracts

CosmWasm will be enabled on the zone in the first upgrade post-launch, allowing developers to build on Quicksilver Zone.
The Quicksilver team sees the Zone becoming an Interchain DeFi hub by allowing builders to leverage unique features such as cross-chain verifications.
Cross-chain verifications will allow builders to create protocols that can leverage assets locked in other defi protocols, creating a third layer in which users can benefit from their qAssets.

CosmWasmは、リリース後の初回アップグレードで有効になり、開発者はQuicksilver Zone上で(CosmWasmを活用した)開発ができるようになります。

With decentralization, security and community at the heart of the protocol’s design, Quicksilver is set to become the Liquid Staking standard of the Cosmos ecosystem.


参考リンク - references

What Sets Quicksilver Apart?(Original article: 本記事の和訳元原文)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/quicksilverzone

Telegram: https://t.me/quicksilverzone

Discord: https://discord.gg/xrSmYMDVrQ

Website: https://quicksilver.zone

