- はじめに
- The Quicksilver Protocol FAQ
- General(概要)編
- About the Protocol編
- How does staking through Quicksilver work?
- Will users be able to transfer their delegations directly into Quicksilver?
- What is the difference between liquid staking on Quicksilver and staking in terms of the security of a native Zone?
- Does staking maintain security by decreasing the liquidity?
- How will reward autocompounding on the Protocol work?
- What is the difference between other liquid staking protocols and Quicksilver?
- What will be the APR for staking on Quicksilver?
- Will governance by proxy allow for protocol politicians?
- Can you explain the slashing risk mitigation?
- What are Staking Rewards Fees on Quicksilver?
- How will the Distribution of Staking Rewards Fees work on the Protocol?
- How will voting in the governance proposals of onboarded chains work if qAssets are being held in LP pools or being used as collateral in DeFi?
- When will snapshots be taken for the Genesis Airdrop?
- Will there be an unbonding period to exit the protocol?
- What chains are being considered?
- Who do I have to stake with in order to receive the airdrop of a chain you are onboarding?
- As far as Atom is concerned, does Quicksilver provide anything that the Theta upgrade will not?
- Do you plan to use only Cosmos SDK without relayers to other networks?
- What are Relayers?
- Is this like superfluid staking?
- Will there be a different liquid staking token from Quicksilver for each protocol that can be staked on Quicksilver?
- About Testnets編
- About the Quicksilver (QCK) Token編
- About Airdrops編
- 参考リンク - references
※原文は 2022年6月22日と8月24日に更新されており、8月24日更新分も反映しております。
以前の”2022年Cosmos展望”和訳記事にも登場する注目機能”Liquid Staking”機能であるQcuicksilver実装ですね。
The Quicksilver Protocol FAQ
Here is a round-up of our most asked questions! This link will be updated regularly, so stay tuned as we release more information.
お問い合わせの多い質問をまとめてみました このリンクは定期的に更新していきますので、今後の情報公開にご期待ください。
What is Quicksilver?
Quicksilver is a liquid staking protocol designed for the Cosmos ecosystem. You can learn more about it here: https://medium.com/quicksilverzone/introducing-quicksilver-72bced1c776e
Quicksilver is a permissionless, sovereign Cosmos SDK zone providing liquid staking for the entire Cosmos Ecosystem. Through Quicksilver, users are issued a voucher, qASSET, representative of their staked asset, which can then be used in DeFi protocols. Quicksilver can scale seamlessly to any IBC-connected chain, and users participating in the protocol can delegate to any validator of their choosing, as well as retain their voting rights through the protocol’s Governance by Proxy feature. You can learn more about it here. Edited 24.08.2022.
Quicksilverは、Cosmosエコシステム用に設計されたliquid stakingプロトコルです。
Quicksilverは、Cosmosエコシステム全体にliquid staking(リキッドステーキング)を提供する、パーミッションレスで独立したCosmos SDKゾーンです。
(訳者補足: 公式twitterにあるとおり、qAssetsのUsecase(ユースケース)として、UMEEで貸し借りするための担保として使うことも検討されているようです)
QuicksilverはIBCに接続されたあらゆるチェーンにシームレスに拡張でき、プロトコルに参加するユーザーは自分の選んだバリデーターに委任できるほか、プロトコルのGovernance by Proxy機能によって投票権を保持することも可能です。詳しくはこちらでご覧いただけます。2022.08.24新。
What are the Quicksilver social channels?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quicksilverzone
Telegram: https://t.me/quicksilverzone
Discord: https://discord.gg/xrSmYMDVrQ
Medium: https://medium.com/quicksilverzone
Website: https://quicksilver.zone
Who are the founders?
Joe Bowman, CEO
Vish Modali, CPO
Roea Mortaki, COO
Where can I read the whitepaper?
When will the protocol launch?
We will launch our mainnet in Q3 of 2022.
Quicksilver’s mainnet launch is expected end of August 2022. Edited 24.08.2022.
(訳者補足: 公式twitter で2022年9月5日11:00utc(日本時間2022年9月5日 20:00)とアナウンスあり。
#時刻については、twitter space内での発言。2022年08月30日追記。)
What Zones will be onboarded at Genesis?
The Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, and Juno. Edited 24.08.2022.
Cosmos Hub、Osmoshis、Juno です。2022年8月24日更新。
(訳者補足: 公式twitter で Stargazeもローンチ時から対応、とするアナウンスがありました。2022年08月30日注記。)
Will there be private, seed, and/or public sales?
We are currently finalizing a small seed round, but there is no intention to run a public sale.
A small seed round is currently being closed: around $2m USD at a $60m valuation were raised to fund the development of Quicksilver. Edited 24.08.2022.
Where can I find information about the project’s investors?
We will be releasing more on this soon.
👇Orijtech and Halborn Security are currently auditing Quicksilver’s code. The audit reports will be made public before the Protocol’s launch. Edited 24.08.2022.
現在、OrijtechとHalborn SecurityがQuicksilverのコードを監査中です。監査報告書はプロトコルの立ち上げ前に公開される見込みです。2022年8月24日更新。
About the Protocol編
How does staking through Quicksilver work?
Quicksilver controls your delegation via interchain accounts and mints your qAssets in their place. Thanks to the liquid staking module from Iqlusion, you can transfer existing delegations without unbonding.
Quicksilverはインターチェーンアカウントを介してあなたのdelegation(トークン委託)を管理し、あなたのqAssetsを代わりに鋳造します。IqlusionのLiquidity Staking Module (LSM)のおかげで、アンボンディングすることなく既存のデリゲーション分を(liquid stakingへ)振替えられます。
Will users be able to transfer their delegations directly into Quicksilver?
For onboarded Zones that have enabled Iqlusion’s Liquidity Staking Module (LSM), users will be able to transfer their staked delegations from an onboarded chain to Quicksilver without unbonding these delegations. However, for onboarded Zones that have not enabled the LSM, users will need to use already-liquid assets to participate in the Protocol. Edited 24.08.2022.
IqlusionのLiquidity Staking Module (LSM)を有効にしたオンボードゾーンでは、ユーザーはdelegationを解除することなくオンボードチェーンからQuicksilverに転送することができるようになります。
(訳者補足: StakingやLPingをしていない、縛られていない(フリーな)資産ですね)
What is the difference between liquid staking on Quicksilver and staking in terms of the security of a native Zone?
The security of a native Zone is not decreased when liquid staking through Quicksilver. While in existing liquid staking solutions, whitelisted validator sets could increase centralization on a zone, therefore increasing security risk, Quicksilver will give users unrestricted validator choice, allowing users to delegate to any validator on a native Zone onboarded to the protocol, eliminating this risk. Edited 24.08.2022.
Does staking maintain security by decreasing the liquidity?
Staking does not maintain security by decreasing liquidity, it maintains security by increasing the economic cost of an attack. Edited 24.08.2022.
How will reward autocompounding on the Protocol work?
The Quicksilver protocol will automatically restake rewards earned every epoch, freeing users from having to restake their rewards manually. Edited 24.08.2022.
What is the difference between other liquid staking protocols and Quicksilver?
他のliquid staking(リキッドステーキング)プロトコルとQuicksilverの違いは何ですか?
1. Quicksilver will be secured by a validator set of at least 100 nodes at genesis.
(訳者補足: 公式twitter ではActiveSetは125、とするアナウンスがありました。2022年08月30日注記。)
2. In order to promote decentralization, Quicksilver allows delegation to all validators on the target chain by default, rather than restricted to a small permissioned validator set. Governance is able to deny delegation to specific validators as it sees fit (e.g. Centralized exchange validators, or those whose behavior is detrimental to the chain).
2. 分散化を促進するため、Quicksilverでは、許可された少数のバリデータに限定するのではなく、 デフォルトで(LiquidStakingの対象)となるチェーン上のすべてのバリデータにdelegate(デリゲート:委任)することができます。
3. Quicksilver can scale to onboard any IBC-enabled chain that supports InterChain Accounts.
3. Quicksilverは、InterChain AccountsをサポートするIBC対応チェーンであれば、どのチェーンにも対応できるよう拡張可能です。
4. The Quicksilver Protocol will allow users to maintain their governance rights on any onboarded chain through its Governance by Proxy feature, which will be released in the chain’s first upgrade post-genesis. Edited on 22.06.2022.
4. Quicksilver Protocolは、Mainnetローンチ後の最初のアップグレードでリリースされるガバナンス代行(Governance by Proxy)機能により、ユーザーは(Quicksilverが対応している)どのチェーンでもガバナンス権を維持できるようになります。2022.06.22更新。
5. Quicksilver incentivizes ‘positive’ validator choices; e.g. selecting ‘performant’ validators (those that return greater rewards), and validator selections that increase decentralization (delegating to smaller validators).
Quicksilver will incentivize users to delegate to decentralized, performant validators that are active in governance through its Participation Rewards feature. Edited on 22.06.2022.
5. Quicksilverは(あなたに)「積極的な」バリデータの選択を奨励します。例えば、「パフォーマンスの高い」バリデータ(より大きな報酬を返すもの)を選択したり、分散化を促進させるべくバリデータを選択することです。(より小さなバリデータにデリゲートすることです)
6. Quicksilver is wholly Cosmos-community owned; from early-investors to airdrops, all QCK token holders will be within the Cosmos ecosystem, therefore the protocol will be governed by individuals and teams with a vested interest in the ecosystem.
6. Quicksilverは、初期投資家からAirdrop(直近のAridrop目的なユーザ)までを含むCosmos-community(コスモスコミュニティー)自身の(プロトコル)です。QCKトークン所有者はすべてCosmosのエコシステム内にいるため、プロトコルはエコシステムに既得権を持つ個人とチームによって管理されます。
7. Read more about what sets Quicksilver apart here: Edited 24.08.2022.
What will be the APR for staking on Quicksilver?
QuicksilverのStaking APRはどうなりますか?
Staking rewards will align with the standard chain’s average APR, but users can take the qAssets you receive from Quicksilver and put them in integrated applications to earn a much higher APR.
Staking rewards will align with the standard chain’s average APR. However, assets on Quicksilver will be autocompounded, so users can expect the APR to be slightly above the average APR. Liquid Stakers will be able to take these qAssets they receive from Quicksilver and use them in integrated DeFi protocols to earn a much higher APR. Edited 24.08.2022.
Liquid Stakersは、Quicksilverから受け取ったこれらのqAssetsを、統合DeFiプロトコルで使用し、より高いAPRを得ることができるようになります。2022年8月24日更新。
Will governance by proxy allow for protocol politicians?
No. ‘Proxy’ here is more of a technical description. It does not mean someone else is voting for you. Users get to vote as they would normally, and then the Quicksilver protocol will reflect that vote on the native chain.
訳者注記: こちらの質問者が何を見ての問いかは不明ですがおそらくはこういうことを聞きたかったのだろう、という推測しながらの和訳です。
Can you explain the slashing risk mitigation?
We minimize the risk to users of the protocol — holders of liquid assets such as qAtom or qKava have their slashing risk spread over all nominated validators.
If a validator on the Cosmos Hub is slashed, it will affect the redemption rate between Atom and qAtom.
In the event of a 5% slashing on an average validator (with 1% of the pool), the redemption rate shifts -0.05%, and in the event of downtime slashing, the rate shifts by -0.0001%, which is barely noticeable.
Cosmos Hub上のバリデーターがスラッシングされた場合、AtomとqAtomの間の交換率に影響を及ぼします。
平均的なバリデータ(プールの1%)で5%のスラッシングが発生した場合、換金率は -0.05%変動しますし、ダウンタイムのスラッシングの場合は-0.0001%変動しますが、これはほとんど気づかない程度ででしょう。
What are Staking Rewards Fees on Quicksilver?
Staking Rewards fees are fees collected on the Staking Rewards earned on assets that are Liquid Staked through Quicksilver. Edited 24.08.2022.
Staking Rewards手数料は、Quicksilverを通じてLiquid Stakedされた資産に対して獲得したStaking Rewardsに対して徴収される手数料です。2022年8月24日追記。
How will the Distribution of Staking Rewards Fees work on the Protocol?
Staking Rewards Fees collected on the Quicksilver Protocol will be distributed among QCK stakers on an epochly basis. The fee percentage will be governance-configured, meaning the Quicksilver community will decide the percentage of the fee, but the default value at Genesis is expected to be under 5%. Edited 24.08.2022.
Quicksilver Protocolで集められたStaking Rewards手数料は、epoch毎にQCKステイカーに分配される予定です。
How will voting in the governance proposals of onboarded chains work if qAssets are being held in LP pools or being used as collateral in DeFi?
Thanks to Interchain Queries, the Quicksilver Protocol will be able to query the amount of qAssets a user holds, and grant this user his or her voting power accordingly, without the user having to bring his or her qAssets back into the Protocol. Edited 24.08.2022.
Interchain Queriesのおかげで、Quicksilver ProtocolはユーザーがqAssetを保持している量を照会し、それに応じてそのユーザーに投票権を与えることができるようになりますので、ユーザーはqAssetを(オリジナルの)Protocolに戻す必要がありません。2022年8月24日追記。
When will snapshots be taken for the Genesis Airdrop?
Snapshots for the Genesis Airdrop have already been taken, but the date of the Snapshots will not be released. Edited 24.08.2022.
Will there be an unbonding period to exit the protocol?
No — however, your tokens will be given back and delegated to your validator. If you then wish to unbond, it will be subject to the unbonding period of that chain. Alternatively, you may trade your qAssets directly on a DEX.いいえ。あなたのトークンは戻されて、あなたのバリデーターにdelegateされます。 その後、unbonding(=undelegate)を希望する場合は、そのチェーンのアンボンディング期間に従います。 または、DEXでqAssetsを直接取引することもできます。
What chains are being considered?
どのチェーンが(liquid stakingできるのか)検討していますか?
Quicksilver’s design was purposefully created to permissionlessly onboard any chain that is IBC connected, doesn’t use custom staking logic, and implements interchain accounts and liquid staking modules. The Quicksilver community will vote to onboard new chains.
Quicksilver’s design was created to permissionlessly onboard any chain that is IBC-connected and ICA-enabled. The Quicksilver community will be able to vote to onboard new chains. Edited on 22.06.2022.
Quicksilverのデザインは、IBCに接続し、カスタムステーキングロジックを使用せず、interchain accountsとliquid stakingモジュールを実装しているチェーンへ(Quicksilverを)パーミッションレスで搭載できるよう意図的に開発されています。
IBC👉 “Inter-Blockchain Communication”の略称です。
ICA👉”Interchain Accounts”の略称です。
Who do I have to stake with in order to receive the airdrop of a chain you are onboarding?
You can stake with any validator that is not a centralized (exchange) validator.
As far as Atom is concerned, does Quicksilver provide anything that the Theta upgrade will not?
The Theta upgrade does not provide liquid staking, it provides a liquid staking module that is one component of our system and others. On its own, however, it’s not a liquid staking product, it simply allows the transfer of delegated tokens in a non-fungible way to another wallet.
The Theta upgrade will not provide liquid staking, it will provide Iqlusion’s liquidity staking module. On its own, it’s not a liquid staking product, it simply allows the transfer of delegated tokens in a non-fungible way to another wallet. Edited on 22.06.2022.
Thetaアップグレードはliquid stakingを提供するのではなく、私たちのシステムやその他のコンポーネントの1つであるliquid stakingモジュールを提供するものです。それは(=liquid stakingモジュールは)、単にdelegateされたトークンをnon-fungibleな方法で別のウォレットに転送することを可能にするだけです。
Thetaアップグレードはliquid stakingを提供するのではなく、Iqlusionのliquid stakingモジュールを提供するものです。それ自体は、liquid stakingプロダクトではなく、単にdelegateされたトークンをnon-fungibleな方法で別のウォレットに転送することを可能にするだけです。2022.06.22更新。
Do you plan to use only Cosmos SDK without relayers to other networks?
No, we use IBC so it will rely on relaxers. We are working with Jack Zampolin and the relayer DAO he is launching to incentivize relayers.いいえ、IBCを使用していますので、リレイヤーに依存することになります。Jack Zampolinと彼が立ち上げているリレイヤーDAOと協力して、リレイヤーにインセンティブを与えるようにしています。
What are Relayers?
They are what make IBC possible. We run specialized/dedicated nodes that only allow the IBC transactions to happen. Most of the transactions will be inbound (querying other chains) and these txs will not be chargeable (or will be reimbursed, we have not yet determined which).IBCを可能にするものです。IBCの取引のみを可能にする専用ノードを稼働させます。ほとんどのトランザクションはインバウンド(他のチェーンへの問い合わせ)であり、これらのTXは課金されません(または払い戻されます、我々はまだどちらかを決定していません)
Is this like superfluid staking?
Superfluid stakingのようなものですか?
Superfluid staking is a very different prospect — it requires that you provide liquidity and stake, and requires zones to run custom logic to support this. Superfluid staking will allow you to provide base assets as liquidity, and then Osmosis will signal to the zone in a trustless way that it has those tokens locked up and slash able. Quicksilver is not so opinionated as to what users do with their assets: Our focus is on providing the liquidity.
Superfluid stakingとはとても異なる方向性です。(Osmosisは)liquidity(流動性)提供とstaking(ステーク)する必要があり、ゾーンはこれをサポートするためにカスタムロジックを実行する必要があります。
Superfluid stakingでは、流動性としてベースアセットを提供し、Osmosisがtrustlessな方法でゾーンにそのトークンをロックし、スラッシュできるように通信します。Quicksilverは、ユーザーがそのアセットで何をするかについて、ほとんど関与しません。私たちは流動性提供に主眼をおいています。
Will there be a different liquid staking token from Quicksilver for each protocol that can be staked on Quicksilver?
Yes. You will receive qAssets in the place of Assets staked via Quicksilver. There will also be a separate QCK token that we will use to incentivize users.はい、そうです。Quicksilverを通じてstakingされたアセットの代わりに、qAssetsを受け取ることができます。また、ユーザーにインセンティブを与えるために使用する別のQCKトークンがあります。
About Testnets編
When are the testnets?
The initial testnet will launch in March and the incentivized, in May.
Quicksilver’s Initial Testnet, Rhapsody, launched in early May of 2022. The protocol’s Incentivized Testnet, Killer Queen, will launch in late June of 2022. Edited on 22.06.2022.
QuicksilverのInitial Testnet、「Rhapsody」は2022年5月上旬にローンチしました。プロトコルのIncentivized Testnet「Killer Queen」は2022年6月下旬にローンチ予定。2022年6月22日更新。
「Rhapsody」 と 「Killer Queen」は終了しました。
About the Quicksilver (QCK) Token編
What will be the primary functions of the Quicksilver token?
The QCK token will be primarily used to secure the chain through staking, determine the future of the zone through on-chain governance, and pay transaction fees for all actions on the zone.
How much will the QCK token supply be?
About Airdrops編
Airdrop wen?
More details on future airdrops will be released with the whitepaper. There will be an airdrop for every chain onboarded to Quicksilver.
Airdrop often. There will be an airdrop for every chain onboarded to Quicksilver. Quicksilver’s Genesis Airdrop is expected in late August, at launch. Edited 24.08.2022.
頻繁にAirdropします。Quicksilverに搭載されたチェーンごとにAirdropされる予定です。QuicksilverのGenesis Airdropは8月下旬、ローンチ時に予定しています。2022年8月24日更新。
(訳者補足: 公式twitter で2022年9月5日11:00utc(日本時間2022年9月5日 20:00)とアナウンスあり。
#時刻については、twitter space内での発言。2022年08月30日追記。)
What percentage of the token supply will be allocated to airdrops?
Over 50% of the token supply will be allocated toward airdrops for token holders of networks that we onboard, as and when we onboard them. We want the token supply to be held by core ecosystem contributors and users.
Will the weights of airdrop allocations be different on different chains?
Yes, there will be an incentives pool managed by governance. When QCK token holders vote to onboard a zone, some portion of the incentives pool will be allocated to token holders of the staking token of the zone to be onboarded. There will be some action required to claim the airdrop and a clawback for unclaimed tokens after some period. The clawback will go back into the pool for the next airdrops. 30% of the inflation emissions will also be added to the airdrop pool.
また、inflation emissions(インフレによる排出分)のうち30%がAirdrop pool(エアドロッププール)に追加されます。
What are the requirements to become eligible for the airdrops?
No requirements are set in stone, but, as with any airdrop, stake with non-exchange validators. Once the initial chain onboardings have been decided, we will release more information.
We will not be releasing information on the airdrop formula to avoid gamification. However, we have dropped a few hints in the last months. Read more about our airdrop model here. Edited on 22.06.2022.
Will users who liquid stake through Quicksilver be eligible for other airdrops?
Liquid StakeユーザにAirdropされるのでしょうか?
Airdrops are at the behest of whomever is holding the airdrop. If qAssets become recognized base tokens, and airdrops start including qAsset holders, then you’ll continue to benefit.
参考リンク - references
The Quicksilver Protocol FAQ: (Original article: 本記事の和訳元原文)
Introducing Quicksilver:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quicksilverzone
Telegram: https://t.me/quicksilverzone
Discord: https://discord.gg/xrSmYMDVrQ
Website: https://quicksilver.zone