Maximizing Returns through Quicksilver(英文和訳)

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以前の”2022年Cosmos展望”和訳記事にも登場する注目機能”Liquid Staking”機能であるQcuicksilver実装ですね。


Maximizing Returns through Quicksilver

As a Liquid Staking solution, Quicksilver will allow users to earn both staking rewards and returns from participation in other DeFi protocols. Staking reward will be collected and compounded on an epochly basis, allowing for the Asset:qAsset redemption rate to go up.

Users will also be able to gain returns from participating in DeFi protocols or LP pools with their qAssets.

However, there are a few key features native to Quicksilver that will help users take their returns even further.

Liquid Stakingソリューションとして、Quicksilverはユーザーがステーキング報酬と他のDeFiプロトコルへの参加によるリターンの両方を獲得することを可能にします。ステーキング報酬は、一定期間ごとに回収・複利計算され、アセット:qAssetの交換率を上げることができます。



Participate in Liquid Staking for all Onboarded Zones

Quicksilver will be able to seamlessly scale to any IBC-connected zone that our governance votes to onboard.

This means that the community will decide how many zones Quicksilver will provide liquid staking for, making the possibilities for freeing staked token liquidity for users, fully dependent on their will.



Receive Positive Participation Rewards every Epoch

Quicksilver’s mechanisms were designed to enhance decentralization by incentivizing users to liquid stake in a way that supports smaller validators.

At the end of each epoch, which will be every 3 days, a portion of QCK inflation emissions will go to rewarding users that stake with performant, decentralized validators that are active in governance.



Receive Airdrops for Every Chain we Onboard

Quicksilver’s ongoing airdrops will reward stakers of every onboarded chain, including the ones that will be developed in the future. Because furthering decentralization is one of Quicksilver’s key focuses, its continuous airdrop model will not only take into consideration how much users stake, but how they stake, increasing fairness and representation in airdrop distribution.



Participate in External Airdrops

A burning question in the Cosmos community surrounding liquid staking is: Will users participating in liquid staking receive airdrops on their staked assets?

The Quicksilver team believes liquid stakers are entitled to these airdrops, as they are still securing the underlying networks, and thanks to the protocol’s governance by proxy feature, will even be able to participate in governance.

This means our users would be eligible for airdrops as if they were staking natively.

リキッドステーキングにまつわるCosmosコミュニティの切なる質問: リキッドステーキングに参加するユーザーは、ステークした資産のエアドロップを受け取ることができますか?



Stay in Touch

The Quicksilver testnet will be launching in Q2 of 2022 — Follow our social channels to stay up to date on our latest news, airdrops, and events.

Quicksilverテストネットは2022年第2四半期に開始予定 – ソーシャルチャンネルをフォローして、ニュース、エアドロップ、イベント最新情報を受け取りましょう。

(訳者補足:  公式twitter で2022年9月5日11:00utc(日本時間2022年9月5日 20:00)とアナウンスあり。
#時刻については、twitter space内での発言。2022年08月30日追記。)




