Announcing the Quicksilver Launch(英文和訳)

Screenshot of Quicksilver_Medium

2022年12月13日に掲載された、Quicksilver mainnet立ち上げに先んじて投稿された medium記事の和訳です。

以前の”2022年Cosmos展望”和訳記事にも登場する注目機能”Liquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)”機能であるQcuicksilver実装ですね。


Announcing the Quicksilver Launch

What is Quicksilver ?

Quicksilver is a sovereign Cosmos-SDK zone providing liquid staking for the Interchain, and unburdened by the constraints associated with the existing approaches to Liquid Staking.

Thanks to its design, it can scale to onboard a limitless number of zones with zero onboarding effort required from zones and validators.

Quicksilverは、Interchainにliquid stakingを提供するCosmos-SDKの主権ゾーンで、liquid stakingの既存のアプローチ関連する制約に縛られることはありません。

Quicksilver’s entire feature set was designed to keep users empowered and provide them with a smooth UX, without compromising on chain security and decentralization.

Quicksilver is controlled by its token holders, and all the decisions pertaining to the future of the Protocol (control parameters, onboarding of new zones, distribution of incentives, etc.) are determined by the community.



Launch Vision

Following the chain’s Mainnet Launch, the development team is making the strategic choice to release the Protocol in a phased manner in order to deliver Quicksilver’s Liquid Staking solution to Cosmos in a measured, secure and flexible manner.

As Quicksilver will be bringing about a novel approach to Liquid Staking, the development team wants to ensure that some of these mechanisms have the net benefit on the ecosystem they were intended to have.

To better understand the team’s vision, it is important to keep in mind that a successful Launch is one that delivers on, and keeps strong synergies between 2 main verticals:

メインネットローンチ後、開発チームはQuicksilverのLquid Stakingソリューションを慎重に、安全に、柔軟にCosmosに提供するために、段階的にプロトコルをリリースするという戦略的な選択をしています。

QuicksilverはLiquid Stakingに新しいアプローチをもたらすため、開発チームはこれらのメカニズムのいくつかが、それが意図するエコシステムに真の利益をもたらすことを確実にしたいと考えています。


・Feature Release(機能リリース)
・Liquidity and Incentives(流動性とインセンティブ)

Let’s take a closer look!

Feature release(機能リリース)

The team wants to deliver Quicksilver’s features in an environment where their impact can be measured and understood.

For example, Quicksilver will be the first liquid staking protocol in any blockchain ecosystem to let users signal their intent for the protocol to allocate their stake accordingly.

The Protocol is also expected to enable users to change that preference while their assets are being used in other Defi protocols.

It would be useful to measure the economic impacts of such distribution before rolling out incentives to get users to delegate and change validator intent en-masse.


 例えば、Quicksilverは、どのブロックチェーンエコシステムにおいても初のLiquid Stakingプロトコルとなり、ユーザーがプロトコルのステーク配分を決めることができます。



Liquidity and Incentives(流動性とインセンティブ)

The market conditions are currently uneasy and full of uncertainties. And while it isn’t possible to predict or mitigate all these uncertainties, it would be highly unwise and inefficient for the protocol to support large amounts of liquidity with incentives at the moment, especially with the LSM still not supported on the major Cosmos chains.

With the protocol and the ecosystem’s long term interests in mind, we are crafting a liquidity plan with the intention for it to go live on qAssets in January 2023.

The team’s intention for liquidity bootstrapping and the overall strategy is for it to be oriented towards the long term sustainability of Quicksilver, with the belief that responsible and forward looking roll out is the best way forward for Quicksilver.




Additionally, the LSM is poised to launch early next year on the Hub, which will be followed by other Cosmos chains.

The LSM has always been a key part of Quicksilver’s design and vision, and the team has always believed this piece of technology will be fundamental in unlocking Liquid Staking on Cosmos, and improving the liquid staking experience for users.

With the LSM launch scheduled so soon around the Protocol’s Launch, the team believes it is the perfect opportunity to further align Quicksilver’s progressive Launch, with that of the LSM.


LSMは常にQuicksilverのデザインとビジョンの重要な部分であり、チームはこの技術がCosmosでのLiquid Stakingを実現し、ユーザーのLiquid Staking体験を向上させる土台となると信じています。


What will that look like ?(それはどのようなものでしょうか?)

The Quicksilver chain will go live next Friday, December 16th with an expected total of 100 Genesis Validators.

A proposal to onboard the Cosmos Hub on the protocol will follow and the hub is expected to be supported by Quicksilver on December 22nd, at which point users on the protocol will be able to stake their Atom and mint qAtom.

Quicksilverチェーンは、来る金曜日、12月16日に100のGenesis Validatorと共に稼動します。

その後、Cosmos Hubをプロトコルに組み込む提案がなされ、12月22日にはQuicksilverによってHUBがサポートされる予定です。
その時点で、プロトコルのユーザーはATOMとmint qAtomをステーキングできるようになるでしょう。

(訳者追記: 日本時間12/23 午後9時にDappsリリースという公式アナウンスをdiscordで確認できます。)

Stargaze is expected to be onboarded a few days later, and the team is planning to pick up the chain onboarding cadence after the holiday period.
 The long term vision however, is for the Quicksilver Governance to decide on chain onboarding without any supervision from the development team, leading to a self sustaining ecosystem.

しかし、長期的なビジョンは、Quicksilver Governanceが開発チームからの監督なしにチェーンオンボーディングを決定し、自立したエコシステムにつながることです。

Additionally, early Q1 2023, users on the protocol will gradually be able to take advantage of the full extent of Quicksilver’s features, and unstake their qAssets to exit the protocol, signal and update their Intent, claim participation rewards, and later on, vote on governance proposals with their qAssets, etc.
The initial Asset:qAsset pools on Osmosis are expected to go live in January and will be incentivised in a way to best drive usage for the Protocol and for the Liquidity Staking Module. The key notion here will be remaining adaptive in order to navigate market constraints and external dependencies with a maximum flexibility.
最初のAsset:qAssetプールはOsmosisで1月に稼動する予定で、プロトコルやLiquidity Staking Moduleの利用促進に最適な方法でインセンティブを与える予定です。 市場の制約や外部依存を最大限柔軟にナビゲートするために、臨機応援に対応し続けることが重要と考えます。

Airdrop Wen?

In coherence with the plan for a measured feature release, the team intends for the Airdrop to start in Q1 2023.
Apart from the timeline, the plans and intentions for the Quicksilver Airdrop remain unchanged. Over 50% of the Genesis supply will be going to incentivising the Community and driving usage.

With decentralization in mind, the protocol will weigh the way users stake, and not just how much, in the airdrop formula. The goal of this airdrop model is to ensure the Quicksilver protocol is in the hands of its present and future community, and QCK tokens are spread as far and wide across the Cosmos ecosystem.

スケジュールは変更となりますが、その他についてはQuicksilver Airdropの計画に変更はございません。ジェネシスの供給量の50%以上は、コミュニティのインセンティブと利用促進に使われる予定です。

