qAssets on Quicksilver(英文和訳)

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以前の”2022年Cosmos展望”和訳記事にも登場する注目機能”Liquid Staking”機能であるQcuicksilver実装における qAsstes の説明です。


qAssets on Quicksilver

Quicksilver is a permissionless, sovereign Cosmos SDK zone that will provide Interchain Liquid Staking for the entire Cosmos Ecosystem.

Through Quicksilver, delegators will be able to stake assets on any validator running on the chains onboarded onto the protocol, and receive in turn a voucher representing a claim against that staked position.

That voucher, known as a qAsset (qAtom, qOsmo, qJuno, etc.), will allow users to benefit from both Staking and Defi participation across the Cosmos. In this article,

we will take a deeper look into qAssets and how Cosmonauts can unlock their full potential.

Quicksilverは、Cosmosエコシステム全体にチェーン間Liquid Staking(リキッドステーキング)を提供する、パーミッションレスな独立したCosmos SDKゾーンです。




What are qAssets?

qAssets are representative vouchers of staked Assets.

This means that qAssets not only represent users’ staked delegations, but also the rewards earned on these. In order to understand how qAssets accrue value,

it is important to understand asset fungibility on the Quicksilver Protocol.



qAssetsがどのように価値を生むかを理解するためには、Quicksilver Protocolにおけるアセットファンジビリティ(資産の代替性)を理解することが重要です。

How is fungibility maintained?(代替性はどのように維持されるか)

Because different validators present different risk profiles to delegators, no two validators are the same.
This means that, in order to maintain fungibility between qAssets issued against delegations on different validators, both risk and rewards are socialized.

バリデータが異なればdelegator(デリゲーター)にとってのリスクプロファイルも異なるため、同じバリデータは 2 つとして存在しません。

つまり、異なるバリデータへのdelegations(デリゲート)状況に基づいて発行されたqAsset間の互換性を維持するために、 リスクと報酬の両方が管理されているのです。

Value Accrual(価値算定)

The value of qAssets is accrued over time through staking rewards. The rate at which Assets can be redeemed for qAssets shifts positively as rewards are earned over time, minus any slashing.
Since that slashing event would be spread across all delegations of all validators of an onboarded chain thanks to risk socialization, however, the impact of said event would be minimal.
Users do not face the risk of a permanent loss of value with qAssets because qAssets reflect the value of rewards accrued on the platform, meaning users will always have a claim to their rewards.





qAsset Redemption(qAssetの買い戻し)

Users will be able to exit the protocol in two ways.

In the first, users could signal on Quicksilver their intent to exchange their qAssets for their delegations.
The protocol would then transfer their delegations back to users.

User will also be able to exit their position on Quicksilver by selling qAssets at market price. Whoever buys qAssets through a DEX will now hold claim to the staked position it represents.




Voting with qAssets(qAssetsを使った投票)

The Governance by Proxy feature will be available upon the protocol’s first post genesis upgrade.
This feature will allow users to maintain their voting rights on chains onboarded to the protocol.
Voting rights will be tied to qAssets, meaning if user A sells their qAssets on a DEX and user B buys them, user B will inherit these voting rights. All user B would have to do is visit the Quicksilver protocol app, click on the Governance page, and let the protocol know where in the Interchain they hold these qAssets. The Quicksilver protocol will then verify the information and grant user B the voting rights that go with the qAssets.

ガバナンス代行(Governance by Proxy)機能は、プロトコルのMainnetローンチ後最初のアップグレードで利用可能になります。
この機能により、ユーザーはプロトコルが組み込まれたチェーンの投票権(voting rights)を維持することができるようになります。

The Future of qAssets(qAssetsの今後)

At the time of writing, Quicksilver will be onboarding the Cosmos Hub, Juno and Osmosis at Genesis, which means Atom, Juno and Osmo holders will be able to mint qAtoms, qJuno and qOsmo upon the protocol’s launch.
Additionally, after the launch of the protocol, the Quicksilver community will be able to onboard any and all IBC-connected, ICA-enabled zones, which creates the potential for there to be a qAsset for every Asset of the Cosmos Ecosystem.

本稿執筆時点で、QuicksilverはCosmos Hub、Juno、Osmosisをリリース初期段階で組み込む予定ですし、ATOM、JUNO、OSMOトークン保有者はプロトコル立ち上げ時にqAtoms、qJuno、qOsmoを鋳造できることになります。
さらに、プロトコルの立ち上げ後、Quicksilverのコミュニティは、IBCに接続されたICA(InterChain Accounts)対応ゾーンに組み込むことができ、CosmosエコシステムのすべてのアセットにqAssetが存在する可能性を生み出します。

Once building is enabled on top of the Quicksilver Zone, DeFi protocols built on top of the Zone will be able to use all these qAssets as base collateral. The Quicksilver team hopes to see a DeFi ecosystem flourish on top of the Quicksilver Zone, allowing for DeFi and Staking to continue growing hand in hand through the use of qAssets.
Quicksilver Zoneの上に構築することが可能になると、Zoneの上に構築されたDeFiプロトコルは、これらのqAssetをベース担保として使用することができるようになります。 Quicksilverチームは、Quicksilver Zoneの上でDeFiエコシステムが繁栄し、qAssetの使用を通じてDeFiとStakingが手を取り合って成長し続けることを期待しています。

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参考リンク - references

qAssets on Quicksilver(Original article: 本記事の和訳元原文)
